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  Function            fncmp - compare filenames w/wildcards

  Syntax              int fncmp(char *fname1, char *fname2);

  Prototype in        filehk.h

  Remarks             compares filename fname1 to fname2 with wildcard
                      matching (*,?). Case is irrelevant.

  Return value        return a value

                           < 0  if fname1 is less than fname2
                           = 0  if fname1 is the same as fname2
                           > 0  if fname1 is greater than fname2

                      In fact, if the value returned is 1 or -1, the
                      compare failed during the filename portion, and if
                      2 or -2 is returned, the compare failed during the
                      extension portion.

  Note                fncmp() compares strings just like DOS does (or at
                      least DOS 3.2, the one I work under.) Thus:

                           "STR*.*" = "str*.*"
                           "str.d*" = "StR.DZ"
                           "str" = "str.c"

                      Very little error checking is done. If an invalid
                      filename is passed (i.e. more than 12 characters
                      long) unpredictable results may occur.

  See also            fname_match()

  Example             #include <filehk.h>

                           char a[12], b[12];
                           int cmp;

                           printf("%s ",a);
                           cmp = fncmp(a,b);
                           printf("Compare:  %s  %s   Yields: %d\n",

  Program output      Compare: stringhk.c  ?TRI*.cc   Yields: -2

See Also: fname_match()
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